Jacob E. Munro, Mark F. Bennett, Melanie Bahlo
PanRank is a method for ranking candidate disease genes based on a known disease gene panel developed by the Bahlo Lab. Rankings are made by a logistic regression model. PanRank is a work in progress and full source code will be made available through GitHub at a later date. Precomputed rankings are available for Genes4Epilepsy and select PanelApp panels.
Dataset | #Gene | #Pred. | Predictor Description |
STRING Coexpression | 18,911 | 18,911 | Pairwise gene scores indicating degree of coexpression |
STRING Experimental | 18,628 | 18,628 | Pairwise gene scores indicating degree of protein-protein interaction |
STRING Neighbourhood | 4,151 | 4,151 | Pairwise gene scores indicating genomic proximity |
STRING Cooccurrence | 10,125 | 10,125 | Pairwise gene scores indicating degree of cooccurrence across species |
STRING Database | 12,927 | 12,927 | Pairwise gene scores indicating interactions across curated databases |
GO Biological Process | 18,814 | 8,567 | Binary presence of GO Biological Process term annotation |
GO Cellular Component | 18,814 | 1,146 | Binary presence of GO Cellular Compartment term annotation |
GO Molecular Function | 18,814 | 2,027 | Binary presence of GO Molecular Function term annotation |
GnomAD Constraint | 17894 | 15 | “LOEUF” and other gene constraint metrics derived from gnomAD v4 |
DiSignAtlas | 19,003 | 5,259 | Binary presence of gene in differential expressed sets across diseases |
PsychENCODE | 18,730 | 1,866 | Gene expression in prefrontal cortex across neurodevelopment disorders and controls |
DESCARTES | 18,529 | 172 | A single cell atlas of foetal gene expression |
GeVIR Rank | 18,266 | 15 | Gene constraint metrics derived from gnomAD v3 |
GTEx Expression | 18758 | 54 | Median gene expression across 54 postmortem tissues |
ZFIN Phenotypes | 4,216 | 21,499 | Binary phenotypes in zebrafish matched to human gene orthologs |
Homology | 19,195 | 398 | Percent identity of human gene homologs across species from Ensembl |
Dosage Sensitivity | 17,426 | 2 | Prediction scores for gene haplo- and triplo-sensitivity |
Precomputed rankings are available for Genes4Epilepsy and select PanelApp panels.